Trying to choose the right cards for the right circumstances is a pain so keen that it becomes a pleasure.

On almost every turn you’ll be torn between fighting enemies, helping friends or advancing your scenario goals. Movement and melee against monsters on the tight corridors of the grid-based maps are taut and dangerous. In the rare instances where this is possible your initiative will almost certainly suffer. The upper and lower effects are arranged in such a way that it’s very hard, in most cases, to attack twice, or to chain your most powerful abilities together. This makes planning your turn an absolute tactical minefield. On your turn, you must pick two to play getting the upper effect from one, the lower effect from the other, and using either number as your initiative value for the turn. These are divided into two halves, with a different effect on each and a number in the middle. Each player’s character has a unique class and comes with its own deck of cards detailing the special powers, spells and combat moves it has access to. The most critical of these is its card-based approach to combat. While that spiral-bound rulebook will look daunting for newcomers, veterans of either of the previous games will find most of the core systems intact. You get access to six of these, of varying complexity, at the start of the game and have to earn the right to open the remainder as you progress. These are character boxes and they come in pairs with a matching symbol: one contains the character’s miniature and the other their decks of cards, chits and character details. Most intriguing of all is the row of symbol-marked sub-boxes within the main box. There’s a map board with stickers to mark your exploration, character sheets, tracking dials and lots of mysteriously sealed envelopes of secrets.

There are decks and decks of cards which sit in slots, separated by dividers, in trays at the bottom of the box. There are sheets upon sheets of chits and standees to punch and organise into supplied storage trays and bags. The sheer amount of stuff here boggles the mind.